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The Brooklyn Writers Press

Bridging the Gap between Readers & Writers

by Producing Beautiful Books that Meet Professional Standards

For some writers only a traditional publishing deal will do. 
For others, self-publishing seems like a promising alternative. 

Pursuing the traditional path

means playing the waiting game and hoping you get picked.


Choosing the self-publishing path

means a short-time to market but too often a final product
that does not meet reader expectations. 

Hybrid Publishing 

leads to a WIN-WIN-WIN for

Writers, Readers and Independent publishing

Design Book

The Brooklyn Writers Press is an Award-Winning Hybrid Publisher

Our author-centric publishing model ensures authors retain intellectual property rights,
the bulk share of royalties, and receive one-on-one support during the production of their work. 


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Book Publishing Strategist

 former NYC Authors Guild Ambassador

Founder, Brooklyn Writers Press
Literary Entrepreneur

Host, Book Biz Hub Podcast

Author, Devoted Mama &

Foster Youth Advocate

Meet the Founder

Marina Aris founded the Brooklyn Writers Co LLC DBA Brooklyn Writers Press

to help first-time authors navigate the ever-changing publishing landscape. 


"The endless digital bookshelf is stocked with too many books that will never be read due to being poorly produced. We owe it to our readers to deliver quality books that meet the professional publishing standards they've come to expect.


Since 2013, I've invested thousands of hours into learning all there is to know about independent publishing, and I'm still learning. The new publishing landscape is better than ever and constantly evolving. 


It can be overwhelming and confusing to figure out the best way to write, publish, market and distribute your work. Wherever you are on the path to publishing, check out the resources, tune into the podcasts, attend the workshops and events. And if you have specific questions feel free to email me, I'll be happy to offer some guidance. 


As always, keep writing and keep me posted.


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